Johanna-Maria Fritz, Airport Tarmac Circus Tent, Téhéran, Iran, 2016
C-Print analogue on Fujicolor Crystal Archive by J-M Fritz
Format: 40x40 cm
Edition: 1/6
Prix: 1400 €
Vue d’une des tentes du cirque Khalil Oghab au Velayat Park construit sur un vieil aéroport. Téhéran, Iran, Février 2016.
View of one of the tents of the Khalil Oghab circus in Teheran Velayat Park old airport, Iran, 2016. The location, the Velayat Park, was constructed at an old airport. At the beginning of 2017 Iran has introduced a new law forbidding circuses to hold animals - thus the Oghab circus had to give away all their animals to zoos across the country, including their famous tigers.